Saturday, March 3, 2012

What is the best space marine chapter?

Also do the ones without a Codex play differently then the ones with one? (the game is warhammer 40k)What is the best space marine chapter?
To start off the only space marine armys that play differently from normal space marines is black templar (have their own codex), blood ravens (think they got their own codex), and space wolfs ( not exactly sure if they are marines but they r out now). The normal space marine codex has has a hq for each chapter and by looking at their abilitys you can see what the chapter is all about....though they all play the same except for the handful of hq's that give the whole army a special rule. There is no "best" chapter for space marines or well.....any army. It just depends on your play style, if you prefer close combat or shooting, if you like lots of close combat attacks or a couple but with power weapons/fists, if you like low ap weapons with a couple shots, normal weapons with many shots, or flamers.What is the best space marine chapter?
It depends how you want to play I guess. I'm not a gamer myself but from what I read on the forums the Chapters are designed to have different strengths and weaknesses but none is better than another.

If you prefer a different color scheme or style you can invent your own Chapter and play it using the rules for one of the main codex ones.

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