Friday, March 9, 2012

Edward Cullen vs. Space Marine?

I was having a really long argument with my sister about who would win in a fight. She reads the Twilight books, so of course she thinks that Edward(or any other vampire or werewolf from that book) could beat a space marine. So who do you guys think would win? I bet a whole lot of girls will answer this question and say something along the lines of "Edward will win, he is so hot" or something stupid like that without ever actually thinking about the question. If you dont know what a space marine is you can look them up on wikipedia or a wikia for Warhammer 40000(40k). Please be realistic and dont say one side would win just because you like them more. This is not a popularity question, but an actual who would win in a fight type thing. Say who and also state why. Consider both people and both of their powers. By the way it doesnt matter which Space Marine Chapter he fights, just a basic(whichever) single space marine.Edward Cullen vs. Space Marine?
i am not gonna say that twilight sucks or space marine

sucks. i'll just answer your question

from what i read, the space marine people are basically just super soldiers.

i think that in this case edward would have the advantage

since he is bullet-proof and nothing could break his skin

except vampire teeth and werewolves.

plus he could read minds, and he uses that power to

see what his enemy is about to do.

as much i would not want him to win, i think he would

since all the soldiers can do to him is probably hurt,

but not destroy him.

Ehh dude as for ur question its very hard to answer. its because of the space marine rank problem. Edward can beat a scout, hes equal with a normal marine but hes no match against brother sergeants or captain. A libarian or champion marine can eat edward cullen for dinner. FOR THE EMPORER!

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Edward Cullen vs. Space Marine?
by the way good marine chapters like black templar and Ultramarines or space wolves hav exceptionally good hand to hand combat skills Edward would not want to mess with them

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it is obvious! the Victor WILL BE the Emperor's Finest!

With OUR! SUPREME and Superior Fire POWER we Can Annihilate any CHAOS or XENO SCUM

that was ever created! Now Because of this "authour" who created "twilight" we shall KNOW for The LIGHT WILL LEAD US TO VICTORY!


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Edward Cullen vs. Space Marine?
They deserve no mercy brother Black Templar for the emperors might will crush them to dust. the vampires b y all means are chaos creatures, we must show them of the emporers glory.

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To Heretic SweetP

the angel of death will show that pathetic glowing under sunlight, mind reading bloodsucker the true power of brother space marines. One brother marine shall tear the chaos vampires hard skin with ease at turn it with the emporers magic.

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I just shook my head when I saw this even as a question. Really... you had the thought that Edward Cullen could take on a Space Marine? Considering that Space Marines fight aliens that have 2m long sharp teeth, they can beat something that has jut two wimpy fangs.

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And obviously this was a one sided question, since you probably have never read the Horus Heresy novels. Trust me read just one book and you will understand your own stupidity for asking this question.

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Edward Cullen.. "everything about him invites you in." he is the deadlist predator and is basically invincible. Besides, he alone could beat space marine. And IF he did need help he has an entire chain of people that could kick the crap out of anyone... including Bella and Renesme
Obviously Space Marine. Edward Cullen wouldn't stand a chance against any real superhero or supervillain. Down with that stupid clown!
Well sense I hate Edward with the intensity of a thousand suns, I say Space Marine
Space Marine could easily destroy Twilight including Edward Cullen.
Space Marine because I'm tired of hearing about Twilight
Goku come in and blow dem up. KAMEHAMEHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TWILIGHT SHOULD DDIE, so space marine
Nether are anime or animation. Vampires are the lamest of mythological creatures, writers lately have been hyping them up by always changing the myths around them to make them a tougher opponent.

A Space Marine might be super human, but from my experience with 40K they can still be killed. Even by an Eldar.

No bias on my part here, if you were to allow for some of the newer things writers have allowed to harm vampires. The Space Marine uses weapons that have been supposedly blessed by the Emperor of Humankind, they use them on demons all the time. Pro-tip a demon is a lot more powerful than some wimpy looking vamp. To a Space Marine he has faith in the Emperor and in his weapon, that makes his weapon much like the vamp's bane the cross as long as you have faith in it.

The Space Marine wins, only to be killed by a Predator later.

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