Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Starting a space marine army warhammer 40k?


i whould like to get into 40k and i whould like to know what is the best order to buy things to start my army. ( i'm thinking assult on black reach then codex then battleforce then wing it from there by nessccity.)

and also any cool names for a space marine army whitch main color is blood red, then shoulders ultramarine blue and trim gold. and has a dragon on shoulder pad for chapter symbel

(second question optinal)Starting a space marine army warhammer 40k?
If you are serious about creating a whole space marine army, it would be best to start with a codex.

That's because it is usual to set a points limit on an army and the codex will give you the points cost for each unit or squad within your army.

Space marine squads are quite robust and you can vary the weapons within the squad.

A dreadnought while a bit costly points wise, is good support for footsoldiers.


(Try that, if still available)

There are characters that can be included in your army (heroes, librarian, vetrans)

There are also troop transporters; jet-bikes and tanks.


So it very much depends on the type of army you want.

You could base the army on mobility or fire power.

There are characters that can be included from some other armies (eg Eldar). Worth looking into for surprise value.

Assault on black reach looks a cost effective (money-wise) way to get an army up and running.

Remember that while 2000 points seems a lot, it is easy to use them up.

(Usually Blood Angels are the red ones, so perhaps Blood Dragons or Dragon Blood)Starting a space marine army warhammer 40k?
Black reach would be good, you can even purchase new Dreadnought weapons, if you want, while a Multi-Melta is really good, it's only good vs vehicles(with the Melta special rule) but we're not going to get into that until you get a codex, as for the name, there's a name generator, look around on Google.

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