Friday, March 9, 2012

Warhammer 40k, Space Marine Question?

Im trying to decide what space marine chapter to use on my models, so , can you list the pro's, con's and colours of the diffeent chapters. (Just the 10 main ones)Warhammer 40k, Space Marine Question?
It really boils down to style of play. Are you the type of player that prefers to sit back and shoot at your opponent, using close combat as a last resort? Or do you prefer having everything mounted and racing in, guns blazing? A lot of it will also depend on which codex you plan on using, and to be perfectly honest, it's more about what you'd like to paint. There is no 'unbeatable' combination, I've seen stock Ultramarines both win and lose by large margins. I'm assuming that since you're looking at painting one of a number of different schemes, you're not using Dark Angels, Blood Angels, or Space Wolves. Those are really the only forces that have drastically different rules dedicated to them in the current edition of the rules, and everything else is sort of 'home grown.'

As an example, let's say you wanted to play a White Scars army. The paint scheme is all white, and in theory, if you stick with the fluff, everything should be either in a Rhino or on bikes. This you can accomplish just by selecting certain units out of the codex. The same codex will allow you to field an all infantry force designed for shooting, or an all infantry force designed for close combat. My suggestion would be to read the Space Marine codex, and check out the forums on Bolter and Chainsword, Bell of Lost Souls, and Dakka Dakka for more information.

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