Friday, March 9, 2012

The new 2007 warhammer 40k chaos space marine codex.. whats different?

i have 7000 points of chaos space marines, 1 lunar wolves army, 1 khorne army, and one chaos undivided army, i have been out of gaming for 2 years and all of a sudden people are clamering over my army asking if "i really need 90 berzerkers" and "are you ever going to use those obliterators" .. whats happened????The new 2007 warhammer 40k chaos space marine codex.. whats different?
Well, marks have changed. a lot of point cost changes. Oblits are now heavies. Demon princes cant have demon weapons anymore. No more nurglings. basically everything was streamlined and made easier to build your army faster. Raptors rock, khorne is still tough, thousand suns are nice and ahriman is a beast. If you plan on playing the game again go spend the 20 bucks and get the dex becaus the old one phases out of tournament play at the end of this month. If your looking to unload any figures e-mail me and lets do some dealing because I am making a new chaos force.The new 2007 warhammer 40k chaos space marine codex.. whats different?
well what they said is true. but the basic is this. the new codex is more troop orianted rather then vehicle . which was a little dispointing for me as i used a mechanized Chaos force.(they took away all the chaos vehicle upgrades and gave us the basic space marine stuff minus any of the nice marine upgrades, though you can put possession on any unit now along havok launchers) also from what i can tell all chaos troops now come fully decked out in gear and the choice options are much easier to work with making a army easy a quick to make (I had to make a army in less then 20 minutes from scrach converting from the 3rd edition codex)The new 2007 warhammer 40k chaos space marine codex.. whats different?
actually your not bad off. Khorne berserkers stay as troop choices. codex daemons should be out sometime in the next year or so, and your lunar wolves/black legion/chaos undivided forces are now the center of the new codex. and with the new Apocalypse expansion you can Field all those troops at once.

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